Home > hotel, structure > Hotel philosophy in Mikonos: Cavo Tagoo

Hotel philosophy in Mikonos: Cavo Tagoo

Cavo Tagoo in Mykonos island of Greece strives to be a canvas upon which visitors can color their island dreams. The outstanding, friendly service and carefully crafted luxury that customers enjoy are elements that achieve perfection for a relaxing stay in Mykonos. Cavo Tagoo’s number one priority is creating memorable experiences for its guests and therefore the hotel makes every effort to ensure that each visit is fondly etched in its customers’ minds. Cavo Tagoo has succeeded in being a cosmopolitan luxury suites hotel and a destination for seekers of unique and relaxing experiences from all over the world. Thanks to Tà

Categories: hotel, structure
  1. 14/05/2011 at 1:11 pm

    There are a few places in the World, where white minimalist interiors do not bear the meaning of empty souls and cold emotions. Mikonos is one of these places. Beutifully sensed, and conceptualized at a level of grand masters. Bravo!

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